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14 November, 2008 (Friday) Day 1

S1A  Symposium 1A: Assessment in Neuro-rehabilitation (11:00-12:30)  


(Chinese) 神经康复中肢体痉挛的临床处理思路及方法

Prof. YAN, Tie-bin/The Second Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University (Guangdong)

pdf 文檔 736 KB

doc 文檔 26 KB


(Chinese) 偏瘫病人的日常生活活动评估:活动分析方法

Mr. WONG, Kam-man Simon/Tai Po Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 587 KB

doc 文檔 51 KB


(Chinese) 神经康复中对生活质素的评估

Ms. NG, Yan-lai Terri/Tung Wah Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 393 KB

doc 文檔 26 KB

S1B  Symposium 1B: Occupational therapy for hand & foot surgery (1) (11:00-12:30)


Achieving optimal outcomes through early active mobilization of Zone V-VIII extensor tendon injuries: A prospective randomized clinical trial of three post-operative hand rehabilitation

Dr. Hoe Chung-yeung LEE/Curtin University of Technology (Australia)

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doc 文檔 27 KB


(Chinese) 手部屈肌腱损伤康复

Mr. LI, Kui-cheng/Guangdong Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Centre (Guangdong)

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(Chinese) 骨质疏松症的作业治疗

Prof. QU, Yun/West China Hospital of Sichuan University (Sichuan)

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doc 文檔 59.5 KB

S1C  Symposium 1C: Occupational therapy functional training for children (11:00-12:30)                   


(Chinese) 手功能发展迟缓儿童之作业治疗

Ms. HUANG, Chi-hung/En Chu Kong Hospital (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 481 KB

doc 文檔 24.5 KB


(Chinese) 如何發揮孩子社交潛能 Social cognition training

Ms. POON, Yan-che Magdalene/Kwai Chung Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 188 KB

doc 文檔 26 KB


(Chinese) 飨食故事疗法:针对儿童进食障碍的创新行为疗法 Mealtime stories

Ms. Maggie Tai TUCKER/Special Education Consulting (Shanghai / U.S.A.)

pdf 文檔 322 KB

pdf 文檔 56.7 KB


(Chinese) 发展障碍儿童的基础能力及功能训练

Ms. KWAN, Yim-ming Rosita/BOCES (U.S.A.)

pdf 文檔 1.42 MB

doc 文檔 24 KB

S1D  Symposium 1D: Occupational Therapy Education (1) (11:00-12:30)


Minimum standards for the education of occupational therapists  基本职业治疗师的训练标准

Dr. Kit SINCLAIR/World Federation of Occupational Therapists (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 388 KB

doc 文檔 27 KB


OT Curriculum in Towson University 美国陶森大学之作业治疗教育课程

Prof. S. Maggie REITZ/Towson University (U.S.A.)

pdf 文檔 416 KB

doc 文檔 55 KB


Developing contemporary occupational therapy educational program

Ms. Rebecca ALLEN/Monash University (Australia)

pdf 文檔 297 KB

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S2A  Symposium 2A: Management of hemiplegic upper limb (14:00-15:30)                                                   


(Chinese) 局限诱发疗法与其改良式用于中风患者之康复 Constraint-Induced therapy and its variants in stroke rehabilitation

Ms. CHEN, Yi-an/Chang Gung University (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 298 KB

doc 文檔 60 KB


(Chinese) 偏瘫上肢康复训练机器人研制与临床应用Application of Robotic- assisted arm trainer in stroke rehabilitation

Ms. NG, Yan-lai Terri/Tung Wah Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 276 KB

doc 文檔 25 KB


(Chinese) 双侧上肢动作对于中风病患的上肢康复治疗之探讨 A review of bilateral arm movement approach for upper extremities treatments in stroke

Ms. NG, Ka-yan Adelina/Tai Po Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 153 KB

doc 文檔 96.5 KB

S2B  Symposium 2B: Occupational therapy for hand & foot surgery (2) (14:00-15:30)  


(Chinese) 臂丛神经损伤的规范化康复治疗

Dr. Zhou, Jun-ming/The Affiliated Hua Shan Hospital of Fu Dan University (Shanghai)

pdf 文檔 635 KB

doc 文檔 25.5 KB


(Chinese) 康复治疗对姆指再造术后功能重建的作用

Ms. LI, Xiao-li/Tianjin Hospital (Tianjin)

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pdf 文檔 161 KB


(Chinese) 临时性义指在手部毁损的应用

Dr. SU, Hua/Hospital 401 of Qingdao PLA (Shandong)

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S2C  Symposium 2C: Community integration for children (14:00-15:30)                                            


(Chinese) 协助身体弱能学生融入社会 - 职业治疗师的角色

Mr. NG, Chun-kwok Marcus/Hong Kong Red Cross - The John F. Kennedy Centre (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 474 KB

doc 文檔 24.5 KB


(Chinese) 自闭症儿童社区适应训练计划

Ms. CHENG, Siu Joyce/Heep Hong Society (Hong Kong)

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doc 文檔 21.5 KB


(Chinese) 台湾小儿作业治疗在地区诊所的现况及展望

Mr. HUANG, Shan-yu/台北县芦洲实和职能治疗所 (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 653 KB

doc 文檔 32 KB

S2D  Symposium 2D: Occupational Therapy Education (2) (14:00-15:30)                                           


(Chinese) 香港理工大学职业治疗教育课程

Dr. FONG, Nai-kuen Kenneth/The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 998 KB

doc 文檔 34 KB


(Chinese) 中国康复研究中心之作业治疗教育课程

Mr. GU, Yue Gary/China Rehabilitation Research Centre (Beijing)

pdf 文檔 129 KB

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(Chinese) 昆明医学院康复治疗学专业作业治疗方向课程设置及办学特色

Prof. AO, Li-juan/The Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University (Yunnan)

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doc 文檔 240 KB

15 November, 2008 (Saturday) Day 2

S3A  Symposium 3A: Functional training in neuro-rehabilitation (11:00-12:30)                                    


(Chinese) 中风患者日常生活训练:运动再学习及神经发展治疗的应用 Activities of daily living training manual for stroke: Application of motor relearning and neuro-development treatment approach

Ms. YAU, Sai-fan Christina/Tung Wah Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 685 KB

doc 文檔 28 KB


(Chinese) 双侧动作训练应用于脑中风病患之复健 Bilateral movement practice in stroke motor rehabilitation

Ms. CHANG, Ya-fen/Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 322 KB

doc 文檔 26.5 KB


(Chinese) 脑中风病人进行训练后所诱发之脑塑性改变 Training-induced brain plastic change in stroke patients

Ms. HSIEH, Yu-wei/National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 635 KB

doc 文檔 30 KB

S3B  Symposium 3B: Occupational therapy for hand & foot surgery (3)  (11:00-12:30)


(Chinese) 拇趾外翻变形之处理

Ms. MA, Wai-ling Eva/Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Hong Kong)

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doc 文檔 26 KB


(Chinese) 严重手烧伤作业治疗病例分享

Ms. CAO, Hai-yan/Guangdong Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Centre (Guangdong)

pdf 文檔 329 KB

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The use of computer-aided hand function and assessment instrument in hand rehabilitation

Ms. Linda MILLER/Biometrics Ltd. (U.K.)

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S3C  Symposium 3C: Sensory integrative therapy  (11:00-12:30)


(Chinese) 应用感觉统合治疗于患自闭症之儿童

Ms. KWOO, Ching-yee Alice/Kowloon Hospital (Hong Kong)

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doc 文檔 24.5 KB


(Chinese) 感觉统合治疗 实践与前瞻

Ms. TANG, Mei-miu Minny/Heep Hong Society (Hong Kong)

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doc 文檔 22.5 KB


Meeting Sensory needs - A sensory leisure activity program for adults with developmental disabilities in a large residential setting

Ms. WANG, Chun-mei Martina/Department of Ageing, Disability & Home Care, New South Wales (Australia)

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doc 文檔 25.5 KB

S1E  Symposium 1E: Community occupational therapy - Care in community  (11:00-12:30)


(Chinese) 记忆诊所 - 迈向社区之长者精神健康服务 Memory Clinic – from hospital to community

Ms. MOK, Ching-man Cycbie/Castle Peak Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 518 KB

doc 文檔 45.5 KB


(Chinese) 轻度失智以职能为基础之认知训练介绍 Occupation-based cognitive training for person with mild dementia

Mr. KO, Hung-hsuin/Department of Health, Taipei City Government (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 231 KB

doc 文檔 57 KB


(Chinese) 由住院医护迈向小区护理及照顾 Transition from hospital to home care

Ms. CHAN, Po-wan Polly/Tuen Mun Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 306 KB

doc 文檔 27.5 KB


(Chinese) 居家环境改造之台湾经验 Experiences of environmental modification in Taiwan

Mr. KUNG, Yu-sheng/Cathay General Hospital (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 447 KB

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S4C  Symposium 4C: Rehabilitation in Paediatric (14:00-15:30)


(Chinese) 「制约-诱发运动治疗」对脑偏瘫儿童的疗效

Ms. TING, Sze-man Doris/Caritas Medical Centre (Hong Kong)

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doc 文檔 28 KB


(Chinese) 脑瘫或发育迟缓儿童的流延治疗

Ms. YANG, Li-chien Hellen/Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 722 KB

doc 文檔 26 KB


(Chinese) 我国内地儿童作业治疗的现状与发展 Current status and development of OT for children in the mainland China

Prof. JIANG, Zhi-mei/The Third Affiliated Hospital of Jia Mu Si University (Hei Longjiang)

pdf 文檔 627 KB

doc 文檔 26.5 KB


(Chinese) 儿科康复医生的整体观

Dr. FANG, Su-zhen/Zhu Jiang Hospital of Southern Medical University (Guangdong)

pdf 文檔 193 KB

doc 文檔 28.5 KB

S1G  Symposium 1G: Experience sharing on rehabilitation & occupational therapy after Sichuan earthquake (14:00-15:30)


(Chinese) 地震截肢伤员的作业治疗

Mr. LI, Kui-cheng/Guangdong Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Centre (Guangdong)

pdf 文檔 1.23 MB

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(Chinese) 「站起来」在四川省人民医院工作报告

Ms. CHAN, Po-shan Alice/Tai Po Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 1.16 MB

doc 文檔 24 KB

Mr. HO, Kam-wah/"Stand Tall" (Hong Kong)


(Chinese) 作业疗法在汶川地震伤康复中的角色和作用

Ms. YANG, Yong-hong/West China Hospital of Sichuan University (Sichuan)

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(Chinese) 加拿大作业状况量表应用于四川地震伤员的康复

Mr. LIN, Guo-hui/Rehabilitation Centre of Guangdong Disabled Person's Federation (Guangdong)

pdf 文檔 1.65 MB

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(Chinese) 四川地震后进行康复及作业治疗之经验交流

Ms. FONG, Siu-lai Sanne/Princess Margaret Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 938 KB

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16 November, 2008 (Sunday) Day 3

S4A  Symposium 4A: Cognitive-perceptual training in neuro-rehabilitation  (11:00-12:30)


(Chinese) 感知及认知功能评估方法 Occupational therapy for acquired brain injury rehabilitation

Mr. LAU, Fat-chuen Andy/Tuen Mun Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 831 KB

doc 文檔 25.5 KB


(Chinese) 感知及认知功能训练方法

Prof. DOU, Zu-lin/The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University (Guangdong)

pdf 文檔 1.11 MB

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(Chinese) 单侧忽略康复治疗 Review of neglect management in stroke

Dr. FONG, Nai-kuen Kenneth/The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 835 KB

doc 文檔 26.5 KB

S1F  Symposium 1F: Vocational rehabilitation (1)  (11:00-12:30)


Occupational Therapy Services in Royal Mail

Ms. Sarah HALL/Atos Healthcare (U.K.)

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(Chinese) 作业治疗职业康复概论

Mr. LEUNG, Kwok-fai/Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Hong Kong)

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(Chinese) 香港公立医院职业治疗职业康复服务概览 OT Work rehabilitation service in HK public hospitals

Ms. CHENG, Wai-chee Stella/Princess Margaret Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 436 KB

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S1H  Symposium 1H: Sharing of experience by overseas occupational therapists working in Mainland China  (11:00-12:30)


(Chinese) 从一个加拿大籍作业治疗师、物理治疗师的眼中看工作于中国内地Working in Mainland China through the eyes of a Canadian OT; PT Working in China

Ms. Sheila PURVES/Hong Kong Rehabilitation Society (Hong Kong/Canada)

pdf 文檔 122 KB

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Sharing of experience by overseas occupational therapists working in Mainland China 外国治疗师在华执业经验分享

Ms. Linda M. HETUE/QSI Sheukou International School (U.S.A.)

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Ms. Becky GEIS-POAGE/(U.S.A.)

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Ms. Ivy Fook-choy LEE/Private setting (Shanghai/Canada)

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Ms. Maggie Tai TUCKER/Special Education Consulting (Shanghai / U.S.A.)

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S2E  Symposium 2E: Community occupational therapy - Community-based rehabilitation service  (11:00-12:30)


(Chinese) 社区失能老人之作业治疗服务 - 台湾经验 Community OT Service for Elderly with disabilities in Taiwan

Ms. MAO, Hui-fen/National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 534 KB

doc 文檔 30.5 KB


(Chinese) 体弱长者及弱能人士的社区照顾服务

Ms. CHAN, Tak-mun/St. James Settlement (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 398 KB

doc 文檔 37.5 KB


(Chinese) 职业治疗与长者基层健康服务

Ms. WAN, Suk-yin Yvonne/Department of Health (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 488 KB

doc 文檔 26.5 KB

17 November, 2008 (Monday) Day 4

S2F  Symposium 2F: Vocational rehabilitation (2) (08:30-10:30)


(Chinese) 香港工伤工人社区职业康复服务

Ms. WOO, Wai-sze Karen/Hong Kong Workers' Health Centre (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 154 KB

doc 文檔 26.5 KB


(Chinese) 肢体残疾人士职业技能训练服务

Mr. AU, Wai-lun Arthur/Vocational Training Council (Hong Kong)

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doc 文檔 37.5 KB


(Chinese) 中国内地工伤康复最新发展

Dr. TANG, Dan/Guangdong Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Centre (Guangdong)

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S3F  Symposium 3F: Vocational rehabilitation (3) (11:00-12:30)


(Chinese) 体能与工作能力评估器材应用与评价

Mr. CHOW, Heung-wing Jonathan/Tuen Mun Hospital (Hong Kong)

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doc 文檔 29 KB



(Chinese) 工作能力强化训练 - 模拟工作站的创意与实践


Ms. LEE, Ka-yu Rosalia/Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Hong Kong)

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Ms. WONG, Mei-fung Agnes/United Christian Hospital (Hong Kong)

S4F  Symposium 4F: Vocational rehabilitation (4) (14:00-15:30)


(Chinese) 工作能力评估及强化训练 - 个案分享及经验总结:协助慢性腰背痛患者重返工作 - 工作强化及个案管理

Mr. CHOW, Heung-wing Jonathan/Tuen Mun Hospital (Hong Kong)

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doc 文檔 26 KB


(Chinese) 工作能力评估及强化训练 - 个案分享及经验总结

Mr. LEUNG, Kwan-lok/MacLehose Medical Rehabilitation Centre (Hong Kong)

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Mr. XU, Yan-wen/Guangdong Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Centre (Guangdong)

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Mr. CHIN, Yi-ma David/Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital (Hong Kong)

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S5F  Symposium 5F: Vocational rehabilitation (5) (16:00-17:30)


(Chinese) 工伤工人复工安排 - 个案分享及经验总结

Ms. Sarah HALL/Atos Healthcare (U.K.)

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Mr. LU, Xun-wen/Guangdong Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Centre (Guangdong)

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Ms. WOO, Wai-sze Karen/Hong Kong Workers' Health Centre (Hong Kong)

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Mr. WONG, Hei-yi/United Christian Hospital (Hong Kong)

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Mr. LAM, Chi-fung Eddie/Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Hong Kong)

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Ms. LEE, Ka-yu Rosalia/Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Hong Kong)

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