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14 November, 2008 (Friday) Day 1

F1A  Free paper 1A: OT in neurological rehabilitation (English) (16:00-17:30)


[010] Development of a computerized adaptive testing for assessing balance function in stroke patients

Prof. HSIEH, Ching-lin/National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 339 KB

xls 檔 40 KB


[048] Occupational therapy for cognitive impairment in stroke patients: A systematic review

Ms. KOH, Chia-lin Karine/National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 236 KB

xls 檔 43 KB


[055] Memory for actions in stroke survivors: A rehabilitative approach

Dr. Mohammed Shaban NADAR/Kuwait University (Kuwait)

pdf 文檔 81.1 KB

xls 檔 38.5 KB


[044] Efficiency pattern analysis for stroke rehabilitation

Ms. SOO, Ka-wai Antonia/Tai Po Hospital (Hong Kong)

Not provided

xls 檔 41 KB


[008] Measurement error of stroke-specific quality of life for mild stroke survivors

Ms. CHOU, Chia-yeh/National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

Not provided

xls 檔 40.5 KB

F1B  Free paper 1B: OT in paediatric rehabilitation (Chinese) (16:00-17:30)


[013] 从感觉统合观点看中国书法活动介入对于书写困难之学龄前孩童书写姿势控制与手眼协调能力的影响

Mr. TSAI, Chien-chih/OTist Occupational Therapy Centre (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 265 KB

xls 檔 152 KB


[007] 重度脑性麻痹儿童坐姿摆位轮椅及电脑辅具应用

Mr. CHU,Hsu-tung/Chung Shan Medical University Rehabilitation Hospital (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 741 KB

xls 檔 38 KB


[032] 儿童手功能训练团体治疗经验分享

Ms. HUANG, Chi-hung/En Chu Kong Hospital (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 403 KB

xls 檔 40.5 KB


[031] 体现儿童职能治疗结合特殊教育之"治疗性学校"-以“OTist 职能治疗所暨儿童发展中心为例-

Mr. TSAI, Chien-chih/OTist Occupational Therapy Centre (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 183 KB

xls 檔 40.5 KB

F1C  Free paper 1C: OT in burn rehabilitation (Chinese) (16:00-17:30)


[029] 一例:手部烧伤压力治疗的体会

Ms. DONG, An-qin/Guangdong Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Centre (Guangdong)

Not provided

xls 檔 38.5 KB


[041] 小儿烧伤后压力治疗实施的影响因素

Ms. HE, Ai-qun/Guangdong Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Centre (Guangdong)

pdf 文檔 734 KB

xls 檔 38.5 KB


[058] 烧伤患者的社会心理康复策略

Dr. LUO, Xiao-yuan Lilian/Guangdong Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Centre (Guangdong)

pdf 文檔 104 KB

xls 檔 38 KB

15 November, 2008 (Saturday) Day 2

F2A  Free paper 2A: OT in neurological rehabilitation (Chinese) (14:00-15:30)


[011] 丰富环境设计对2例颅脑损伤患者认知障碍疗效的报导

Mr. ZHENG, Jin-li/The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University (Guangdong)

pdf 文檔 158 KB

xls 檔 40.5 KB


[016] 强制性使用运动疗法在脑外伤患者中应用的个案研究

Ms. CHEN, Ying-bei/The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University (Guangdong)

pdf 文檔 117 KB

xls 檔 38 KB


[036] 一例完全性四肢瘫患者ADL基本自理的报道与思考

Ms. CAO, Hai-yan/Guangdong Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Centre (Guangdong)

pdf 文檔 137 KB

xls 檔 46.5 KB


[037] 电脑平衡仪在中风病人平衡训的应用

Mr. CHEN, Po-chih/Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 771 KB

xls 檔 40 KB

F2B  Free paper 2B: OT for hand & foot surgery (Chinese) (14:00-15:30)


[020] 完全低位正中神经损伤拇指对掌功能的恢复

Mr. LI, Jing-bo/Guangdong Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Centre (Guangdong)

pdf 文檔 418 KB

xls 檔 37 KB


[050] The finger distribution analysis of females in the daily twisting task

Ms. HUANG, Chen-yu/National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

Not provided

xls 檔 37 KB


[028] 前臂脱套伤术后康复治疗

Ms. LI, Xiao-li/Tianjin Hospital (Tianjin)

pdf 文檔 221 KB

xls 檔 38.5 KB


[039] 支具在低位正中神经损伤康复中的科学运用

Mr. LI, Jing-bo/Guangdong Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Centre (Guangdong)

pdf 文檔 400 KB

xls 檔 42.5 KB

F3A  Free paper 3A: Treatment efficacy / Case report / Others (Chinese) (16:00-17:30)


[045] 日间照护病房职能治疗活动成效分析

Mr. LEE, Chi-jen/Tsu Chi General Hosptial - Dalin Branch (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 135 KB

xls 檔 37.5 KB


[035] 台湾健康保险制度下之职能治疗给付

Mr. CHANG, Jui-kun Kent/Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung (Taiwan)

pdf 文檔 432 KB

xls 檔 38 KB


[038] 系统康复治疗对期尘肺病患者生存质量的影响

Ms. DONG, An-qin/Guangdong Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Centre (Guangdong)

pdf 文檔 1.12 MB

xls 檔 38 KB


[049] 忧郁倾向大学生之休闲运动态度研究-以台湾国立屏东商业技术学院为例

Ms. HUANG, Chen-yu/National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

Not provided

xls 檔 41 KB


[027] Learning Abroad: Doctoral Education in Occupational Science for Health Providers

Dr. SUN, PengProf. S. Maggie REITZ/Towson University (U.S.A.)

Not provided

xls 檔 38 KB


[046] 电脑打字训练对精神分裂症病患之逻辑思考能力、空间概念、手部操作技巧、及注意力持续度之帮助

Mr. LEE, Chi-jen/Tsu Chi General Hosptial - Dalin Branch (Taiwan)

Not provided

xls 檔 37.5 KB

F3B  Free paper 3B: OT in paediatric rehabilitation / Treatment efficacy / Case report / Others (English) (16:00-17:30)


[014] Internet-based occupational therapy – an experience of a local organization reaching out to Chinese living anywhere

Ms. Teresa CHIU/COTA Health (Canada)

pdf 文檔 517 KB

xls 檔 38.5 KB


[009] The effectiveness of a social skill model program for children with Asperger’s Syndrome

Ms. CHAN, Wai-shan/Castle Peak Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 739 KB

xls 檔 43 KB


[024] Measuring caregiving belief, caregiver competence, and caregiving interaction

Ms. Teresa CHIU/COTA Health (Canada)

pdf 文檔 379 KB

xls 檔 39 KB

F3C  Free paper 3C: Elderly care (English) (16:00-17:30)


[018] 创新性感官剌激活动-视力缺损的失智症长者

Mr. CHIU, Tat-sun Armstrong/The Hong Kong Society for the Blind (Hong Kong)

Not provided

xls 檔 37 KB


[003] Impression of senior health care system of Howard County in Maryland

Dr. SUN, Peng/Towson University (U.S.A. )

Not provided

xls 檔 37 KB


[051] Computer-aided errorless-learning based and errorful memory training programme for persons with early Alzheimer’s Dementia

Ms. LEE, Yuet-ying Grace/Kwai Chung Hospital (Hong Kong)

Not provided

xls 檔 40.5 KB


[056] Promoting home safety and housing with elderly care in Hong Kong - An occupational therapy perspective

Mr. YU, Chiu-lun Ernest/The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)

Not provided

xls 檔 38.5 KB


[019] 合适视力缺损的失智症长者的治疗活动

Mr. CHIU, Tat-sun Armstrong/The Hong Kong Society for the Blind (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 2.64 MB

xls 檔 37 KB

16 November, 2008 (Sunday) Day 3

F4A  Free paper 4A: OT for hand & foot surgery (English)  (16:00-17:30)


[002] Introduction of a children’s hand skills framework and the corresponding assessment

Mr. CHIEN, Chi-wen/Monash University (Australia)

pdf 文檔 361 KB

xls 檔 41 KB


[052] The effect of fingers position on median nerve compression within the carpal tunnel

Dr. Mohammed Shaban NADAR/Kuwait University (Kuwait)

pdf 文檔 138 KB

xls 檔 38 KB


[053] A phenomenological study of clients with hand injury: An occupational adaptation perspective

Dr. Naser ALOTAIBI/Kuwait University (Kuwait)

pdf 文檔 82.5 KB

xls 檔 38 KB

F4B  Free paper 4B: Elderly care (Chinese) (16:00-17:30)


[043] 老人痴呆症:照顾者的压力指标

Ms. NIP, Suk-yin Peggy/Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 582 KB

xls 檔 40.5 KB


[047] 评估综合日间康复中心提供的全面治疗训练课程,可以预防60岁以上长者再跌倒和因骨质疏松症而引起的骨折

Mr. CHAN, Kong Patrick/Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 2.41 MB

xls 檔 38.5 KB


[042] 老人痴呆症:医院和社区的合作关系

Ms. NIP, Suk-yin Peggy/Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 729 KB

xls 檔 40.5 KB

F4C  Free paper 4C: Treatment efficacy / Case report / Others (English) (16:00-17:30)


[025] How do family caregivers and occupational therapists interact via emails?

Ms. Teresa CHIU/COTA Health (Canada)

pdf 文檔 228 KB

xls 檔 39.5 KB


[026] Users’ experience of wheelchair transportation safety in Hong Kong

Mr. YUE, Sze-yin Alex/Shatin Hospital (Hong Kong)

pdf 文檔 528 KB

xls 檔 41.5 KB


[054] A Survey of Assessment instruments used in occupational therapy clinics

Dr. Naser ALOTAIBI/Kuwait University (Kuwait)

pdf 文檔 261 KB

xls 檔 40 KB

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