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Organizing Committee



LEUNG, Kwok-fai

Mr. LEUNG, Kwok-fai

Vice-Chairman, Hong Kong Institute of Occupational Therapy

Department Manager, Occupational Therapy Department, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong SAR



HUANG, Xiao-lin


DOU, Zu-lin

Ms. HUANG, Xiao-lin


Rehabilitation Therapy Committee,

Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine

Dr. TANG, Dan


Guangdong Provincial Work Injury

Rehabilitation Center

DOU, Zu-lin


Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,

Guangdong Medical Association

Professor & Head,

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,

Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun, Yat-sen University


Committee Members

Mr. WONG, Kam-man Simon

Chairman, Hong Kong Institute of Occupational Therapy

Department Manager, Occupational Therapy Department, Tai Po Hospital, Hong Kong SAR

Mr. WANG, Yue-jin

Vice-Secretary, Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine

Mr. CHANG, Jui-kun Kent

Occupational Therapist i/c, Rehabilitation Department, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Ms. TAY, Siok-mui Margaret

Honorary Treasurer, Hong Kong Institute of Occupational Therapy

Chief Manager, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong SAR

Ms. LEE, Yuet-ying Grace

Honorary Secretary, Hong Kong Institute of Occupational Therapy

Senior Occupational Therapist, Kwai Chung Hospital, Hong Kong SAR

Mr. CHUI, Hing-sze Peterson

Honorary Membership Secretary, Hong Kong Institute of Occupational Therapy

Consultant Occupational Therapist, ED Occupational Therapy Centre, Hong Kong SAR

Mr. LI, Kui-cheng

Head, Department of Occupational Therapy, Guangdong Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Centre

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