2012 International Occupational Therapy Conference

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On-line Registration

Welcome to join the “2012 International Occupational Therapy Conference” organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Occupational Therapy (HKIOT),
Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association (HKOTA), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPU) and
Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine (CARM).
The on-line registration procedures are listed as follows:


  • Please read carefully the steps and click to next page to process the on–line registration.


  • For new registration please click New Registration Member

  • For those who has registered already but want to check or join other conference activities, please click “ Existing Member “ and input your reference no. in the blank space.

New Registration Member

  • Please fill in the form with your personal particulars, contact information, etc.

  • Please do provide your e-mail address in order to receive the confirmation by e-mail. Also, the conference secretariat will send the relevant information of the conference to the registered participant through e-mail.

  • Click continue


  • Please fill in participant’s status and choose the conference activities in the table. The amount of registration fees shown is based on the date & time of registration. We offer concession for Early Bird Registration. The amount of registration fee is different for participant of different participant’s status and the chosen conference activities. The registration and workshop fees are based on Hong Kong Dollars.

  • Please also indicate whether you agree to include your name on the conference delegate list which would be posted on the conference website.

  • Click continue


  • Please check the information provided on this Confirmation of Registration, especially the part on “Participant’s status” and the Conference activities since the chosen status would influence the amount of registration fee needed to be paid. If you want to change anything, you can click “back to previous page” and choose again.

  • If all the information is correct, please print out the information for record purpose.

  • please Click “ Continue to On-line payment”

  • For participants other than Mainland China ones, please register on-line and also pay the registration fee by on-line VISA payment system before the conference.

  • For Mainland China participants and full time students, the conference registration fee can be paid on-site during the day of conference. Please click “Complete on line Registration”


  • (Please note that the registered account name for the on-line payment system is “Hong Kong Society for Quality of Life Limited”. Please proceed the on – line payment even if you see the account name is “Hong Kong Society for Quality of Life Limited”.)

  • After the on-line VISA payment has been completed and confirmed, please click , please click “continue” to end the registration. print out this page for record purpose.


  • You will receive a confirmation e-mail after your registration, please click on the link provided in the e-mail to confirm your registration and complete the whole on–line registration process.

Please contact with Ms. Cecilia Sum, conference secretariat, for any changes or further enquiry. Tel Tel: +852-65096582 E-mail E-mail: 2012otcregistration@hkiot.org

在 线 注 册

欢迎阁下报名参加由香港职业治疗学院(HKIOT)、香港职业治疗学会(HKOTA)、香港理工大学(HKPU)和中国康复医学会(CARM) 联合主办的“2012年国际作业治疗研讨会”,请您根据以下程序进行在线注册:

(1) 单击下一页进行在线注册。如果您已經登記,請選擇 ‘已登記’,否則請選擇 ‘新登記’

(2) 请填写您的个人信息、联系方式、参加项目、参加者类别等。注册费用将以注册日期及时间为依据。注册金额因参与者类别、提前注册和会前注册而异。

(3) 请务必提供您的电子邮箱地址,以便接收确认函。另外,会议秘书处将通过电子邮件与您联系,发送会议相关信息给您。

(4) 确认提交信息,特别是“参与者身份”部分,因为选择的类别将决定您的注册费用,请选择相符内容及类别。

(5) 中国内地参与者,注册费用可以在会议现场支付。其他国家及地区参与者,请务必于会议前进行在线注册并以信用卡支付注册费用。 (请注意,:「网上缴费」户口的注册帐户名称为“Hong Kong Society for Quality of Life Limited”,完成在线注册后,将转至支付页面, 若看到“Hong Kong Society for Quality of Life Limited”可放心付款)。

(6) 在线支付完成并确认后,请自行打印网上付款成功后确认页面作为电子付款收据,会议秘书处将不再另发收据,如遇特殊情况需另个别申请。

(7) 点击提交完成步骤后,您将稍后收到香港职业治疗学院寄给您的报名确认电邮及连结,请登入连结确认收到大会寄给您的电邮,以完成整个网上报名程序。

如果您有任何更改或查询,欢迎联系会议秘书处,Ms. Cecilia Sum Tel 电话: +852-65096582 E-mail 电子邮箱: 2012otcregistration@hkiot.org

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