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On-line Abstract Submission 网上投稿


Item with * must be filled in    * 有此标记的为必须填写项

Authors’ information 作者资料

1st Author *

第一作者 *

Name (English) * 姓名(英文拼音) *

Name (Chinese) 姓名(中文)

Organization * 所属机构 *

Post Title * 专业 *

Telephone * 电话 *

Fax 传真

E-mail * 电邮 *

2nd Author


Name (English) * 姓名(英文拼音) *

Name (Chinese) 姓名(中文)

Organization * 所属机构 * 

E-mail * 电邮 *

3rd Author


Name (English) * 姓名(英文拼音) *

Name (Chinese) 姓名(中文)

Organization * 所属机构 *

E-mail * 电邮 *

4th Author


Name (English) * 姓名(英文拼音) *

Name (Chinese) 姓名(中文)

Organization * 所属机构 *

E-mail * 电邮 *

5th Author


Name (English) * 姓名(英文拼音) *

Name (Chinese) 姓名(中文)

Organization * 所属机构 *

E-mail * 电邮 *

Title of Paper 标题


Presenter 发表报告者

* Presenter 发表报告者: (Please choose 1 presenter only 请只选一名发表报告者)

1st Author 第一作者

  2nd Author 第二作者

  3rd Author 第三作者

4th Author 第四作者

  5th Author 第五作者

* I 本人

have already registered 已经报名

have not yet registered 并未报名

have to wait for the result of paper acceptance 将等候征文结果

to join the conference. 才报名。

Presentation 发表形式

* Presentation 发表形式:

Oral presentation 口头报告

Poster presentation 海报发表

Either oral or poster presentation 口头报告或海报发表也行

* Language of presentation 发表语言:

Chinese (Mandarin) 普通话

English 英语

Scholarship 奖学金

* I 本人

   would like to apply for 希望申请

Other Information 其它资料


  • The submitted abstract could be published in the conference proceedings and posted onto the conference website. 论文摘要被刊登于论文汇编及会议网站内。

   Agree 同意 Not Agree 不同意

  • The PowerPoint presentation file (Convert to .pdf file) could be uploaded and posted onto the conference website. 发表时用之PowerPoint(转为.pdf文檔)上载至会议网站内。

   Agree 同意 Not Agree 不同意